Wednesday, May 9, 2007

a very macro 'micro' affair...

Well the heading doesn't tell much about what I'm writing. To most of the people this will sound dumb and just one of the usual things..but when u confront an engineer( OK..even a so called engineer would do) and ask him about MICROPROCESSOR..he'll go "Oh GOD!!! Not that subject.Ask me anything but that irritating and agonising subject." In fact an electronics(like me) or a computer engineer will best give you an agonisingand believe me if you haven't come across this subject the Gods have been merciful on you and you should consider yourself lucky.

Anyways, my association with microprocessor dates back to my 5 semester during my engineering course roughly about 7 months back when this subject appeared in my syllabus. In fact it wasn't as if i had no clue about the subject. My seniors with whom had interacted had before hand given me an idea of what kind of subject it was and to be honest they didn't paint a very rosy picture. But still i was optimistic and wanted to experience it first hand itself. Well this so called desire of mine so going to come true and i had absolutely no idea what i was in for. Once our college reopened our teacher,apparently our HOD, who was goin to handle microprocessor didn't come to the class for a week and a half. When we enquired we were told that she had met with an accident and was going to be out for nearly a month. We were all jubiliant and ecstatic after hearing this ,we took the other subjects pretty lightly anyways and this is just the perfect beginning that one would like to have for a semester.

Nearly three weeks passed before out HOD came back to college and started taking the subject. It was quiet a ludicrous sight when she entered the class. She had this weird collar that was starapped around her neck and this walking stick, which was more of a branch from some tree to aid her in walking. After all pleasantaries were exchanged and when she was quite satisfied at everyone had got a chance of enquiring about her health and her recovery she got to the teaching business. She started off by asking the most absurd question " how much have you learnt so far?" I mean how dumb can one get??? This lady was out for nearly three weeks and if she expects some one else to be doing her a favour by handling her subject then sadly shes mistaken. Well anyways we all give here this look of 'I dont know' and she gets the answer. She then proceeds to give a brief over view of what we were goin to be learning. To be honest i kind of liked what were going to learn and was quite excited about it( a little geekish but thats the feeling i got). She comes the next day takes these transparent sheets that they call slides and starts providing a slide show for the next one week. It was during this one week that i lost all hopes that i on this pne subject and gave up totally on it by the second week itself. internals were an absolute disaster and it was basically deluge if one can say so. But i ddin't give a damn..i said to hell with this subject. I haven't been born to mug up some programming nonsense.

It was the 3 day break i got during my main examination that enabled me to pull through this godamn subject.Believe me this is absolute painful, anguishing,torturous and tormenting subject. I still cant believe that i made it through this subject.. :) If you havent leant it be happy because IGNORANCE CAN AT TIMES BE BLISS..

1 comment:

Guhan said...

hmmm... you finished the subject 5 months back.. but the intensity of the passage gives me a glimpse of the torments you had to undergo. I would just like to remind you that microprocessor in itself is not a problem.. it is the way in which it has been taken to you. i personally feel it is a wonderful subject! but i do understand your pain..