Monday, May 7, 2007


Well...i saw this movie a few days back..n lemme tell ya this movie has truly affected me. It has made me ask some serious questions which i had previously ignored...and answers are hard to come by. This is a little different than other makes you for answers... and tats wat i like about this movie.It is a movie which is very philosophical and metaphorical talkin about love,death and our existence in this world.

This is made by Dareen Aronofsky, director of the Requiem for a Dream. It stars Hugh Jackman n Rachel Weiz along with Ellen Burstyn. Three stories are spun together and are told simultaneously...the amazin thing is tat the director manages to pull it off..!!! It starts in the jungles of the Mayan civilisation to the present day America and ends in a golden bubble in space. The movie spans over 1000 a visual treat..due to the cinematography...u just feel like taking a snap n hang to the wall in your looks so peaceful and serene.

The movie revolves around Tom( Hugh Jackman) who tries to find a cure for his wife Izzi( Rachel Weisz) who battles against cancer for her life. It is this scenario that is shown in all the three storylines and it was one fo those rare movies that had a deep impact on me. At first one may get confused about whats going on but as the movie proceeds everything falls into place and transports you into a indescribable world that is dreamy n shakes you. Hugh Jackman delivers an absolute mesmerizing performance n the fella is gettin with each n every movie..this one demanded a lot of character from him and hes done a fantastic job. Rachel Weisz is also very emotive delivers a very good performance..the chemistry was pretty good to watch. The Fountain is not a movie that should be analysed by story but enjoyed as an experience, this is wat Darren emphasised on. However it is the last 15 to 20 minutes that seriously move u...and if u have watched the movie will certainly FEEL what i felt...and it is this part of the movie that really has an impact on you.

Dont go and watch this movie expectin a requiem for a dream part II because the movie is totally different. Watch it for the experience im sure that u'll enjoy it. The movie is not dialogue driven and relies totally on the expressions of the actors. Some may label the movie as pretentious but i dont think it is..i personally feel this is a masterpiece by to understand why it failed to make impact as it should have had. So go and check this movie out enjoy the experience.

1 comment:

Mystic Freak said...

The Fountain is awesome movie dude..

must watch