Sunday, May 13, 2007

agnosticism vs atheism

Does GOD exist?? It is a pretty complicated answer and doesn't have an point blank yes or no. What is pertinent is that people are open to both the choices. Agnosticism is a dogma stating that there can be no proof whether GOD exists or any proof contrary to it. Atheism is more hard lined quality or belief of a person who doesn't believe in GOD, in simple words a nihilist. But it is important to note that a is very big difference between the two.

Agnosticism is basically a doctrine that one cannot know the existence of any subject beyond the phenomena of experience ie he relies on his feeling than to prove the existence of any entity. It can also be equated to religious skepticism more due to the influence of science on every one's daily life. Agnosticism can also be defined in a different way, as in the suspension of conclusion or opinion or judgement regarding any pertinent and relevant question based on the lack of evidence. Agnosticism is a positive conclusion of a negative belief. One can't pin point and say that agnosticism deals with cynical or negative attitude. Earlier agnostic people wished to apply the questions of knowledge to all processes nature and human sciences so much so that they started questioning the religious beliefs of the church but mind you never went against the it. A large number of people weighed the evidence for the existence of GOD and concluded that no scientific evidence proved the existence of God. Typically, agnostics held no grudge against people who had no faith in God.Thus agnosticism is a denial of knowledge about whether there is or is not a God.and an agnostic insists that it is impossible to prove that there is no God and impossible to prove that there is one. Ignosticism on the other hand takes the concept of Gods as meaningless one as there are no verifiable results and hence the concept of existence or nonexistence cannot be discussed.

Atheism can be simply put as disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods. Unlike agnosticism which is open to the existence of God atheism is a complete positive denial. Atheists argue against traditional proofs for God's existence making it just a matter faith n belief alone. It is grounded on concept of Enlightenment rationalism and supported by scientific model insisting that matter in the physical word represents the reality of the entirety. Atheism can be viewed as a trend that has developed due to the increased materialistic world and more liberalisation and toleration in the political scene. Once upon it was such that the atheists were always against the church and that has in a way mellowed down over the years. However there are atheists who believe that there is no God but had this has no pragmatic consequences in his life and there are atheists who doesn't deny it the existence of God in his heart but nevertheless leads a desolate and immoral life.
Although the concept of God may become obscured by the more vivid and compelling material from the senses, ultimately in dire circumstances or as the end of life approached every one is said to have acknowledged the existence of God.

1 comment:

daman said...

hi u and i wrote the same post on each others blog what a coincidence,and ur post is very well written